1. Draw your motivation timeline in a year

   a) When are you most motivated? b)When do I hit blocks

<aside> 💡 List all months in a year and draw a graph showing your motivation level


2. Lessons you learnt in the past

<aside> 💡 You can list them the way you want either generally or specify which sphere of your life


3.What you want to remember

<aside> 💡 Maybe you want to document an experience that was very defining for you. Maybe its something you accomplished. It could be also something you are proud of.


4. What are you grateful for?

<aside> 💡 You can either list them or even explain why you are grateful


5. Review different spheres of your life

<aside> 💡 Rate your satisfaction on each sphere on a scale of 1-5. 5 being very satisfied and 1 not satisfied at all


Life Sphere Rating Scale (1-5)
Career - Profession/Academics
Spiritual Wellness
Health and Wellness(Physical & Mental health)
Personal passion projects/Hobbies
Finances - Savings, debts, spending
Relationships- Friends, Family